Promoting solutions to address the climate crisis

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The climate crisis is already here.

Our earth is rapidly heating. We have no choice but to take action, to shift our perspectives, and engage others in doing the same. Join us.

Project 2025: Climate Impacts

Climate change denial is mainly a political phenomenon driven by think tanks and ambitious politicians looking to advance economic interests—typically bankrolled by the affected industries and companies. Forbes Magazine

The Heritage Foundation is a think tank that receives funding from the Koch network and conservatives like Leonard Leo. This group is backed by a coalition of conservative organizations, and history shows that whatever the Heritage Foundation has wanted, they have largely gotten from Republican presidents. Most recently, the Heritage Foundation has created a roughly 900-page document called The Mandate for Leadership, referred to as Project 2025

Project 2025 seeks to stomp out all elements of environmentalism across the federal government. This conservative blueprint proposes to strip the federal government of the funds, people, and power to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.

Speak for the Trees!
Your Help Is Needed to Protect Our Native Oak!

City Planning is once again looking at a prospective tree ordinance. Although NSCA and other community organizations have asked for your comments in the past, now is the time to voice your support again. It is crucial that as many voices as possible are heard on this issue. The future of Redding will require a mix of native oaks and non-invasive, drought resistant street trees that is capable of mitigating causes and effects of climate change. The City’s tree canopy needs to grow, not shrink. Areas with few trees will need an equitable tree canopy. An ordinance that informs property owners and developers of requirements for protecting our urban trees must be clearly stated.    

Redding City General Plan Update

Redding is in the process of updating its General Plan. By state law, any decisions relating to the physical development of a community must be consistent with the General Plan. Redding’s most recent update was October 2000, over 22 years ago.
As drafted, the new General Plan language fails to require the adoption of a Climate Action Plan, which would improve Redding’s access to State grant money. Further, the proposed revisions repeatedly weaken protections of our environment. 
NSCA recommends that members of the public review the City of Redding draft General Plan update documents, especially noting the lack of specific language regarding commitment to current environmental protections, ie. “consider” vs “develop and adopt.” Please submit comments at the above link to You can also request to be added to the General Plan update list at the same email address.

Our mission statement

North State Climate Action (NSCA) is a group of volunteers in California’s far North State region, including Shasta and adjoining counties.

Our mission is to promote solutions addressing the climate crisis through education, collaboration, and action in our communities.

  • Education Focus Group

    We inform our subscribers and the general public about climate change issues and solutions in our region and beyond.

  • Action Focus Group

    We create a connection to local elected officials and government bodies as well as State and National elected officials, alerting our members to opportunities for personal action.

  • Collaboration Focus Group

    We focus on networking with other groups pursuing solutions to climate change, partnering when appropriate and providing support as needed.

The Science Demands We Take Action

The science is clear. We are already living with the consequences of a warming earth. We are paying attention and sharing the latest, along with our observations and insights from our own experiences.

“I have learned you are never too small to make a difference.”

— Greta Thunberg